creative work for a world Worth Mending.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for my contact form! :)

Hi, I'm Elysha (eee-lee-sha, for pronounciation, they/her for pronouns). Elysha Schuhbauer, for the digital fingerprint.
I create functional art with thread, fabric, wood and found objects. I am so happy to have found a niche that works for me here in the maker world: use what we have! the world has so much already, why buy new, why the obsession with single-use? The creative potential from working with (mostly) reclaimed, repurposed, upcycled and salvaged materials is endless and empowering. To me, it sits perfectly alongside building a world where resources, people and planet are treated with respect and dignity. Nothing is disposable!

My partner in this is Scott Calway, who takes care of production and other behind-the-scenes stuff. We designed and make this cool little product called the Swift Darning Loom, it's made from reclaimed hardwood and bike spokes, it makes darning and weaving a little easier, it's beautiful, it's a future heirloom for your family to find and wonder at, it's our only child, and it's for sale! Ah, the millennial life. We love it. And you.
You can contact me via elysha@ (or Scott via scott@) or through this form: