Skye Pennant of slow stitch club is someone I met online quite early in joining the “#VisibleMending” instagram community and it’s been really wonderful to see Skye thrive and grow in the visible mending, slow fashion, and of course slow stitching spaces. AND she just popped up out of the blue the other day announcing she’d written and published an entire book!!! It’s called Well Worn and it’s available for pre-order at your local bookstore - I can’t wait to see it when it’s out.
Skye is as sweet as they come and I’m so honoured she joined in our Mending Migration! Without further ado…
“I’m Skye and I live in Frome, Somerset. I’m a huge darning tool nerd and absolutely love collecting and testing out all kinds of tools. I’ve just recently started mending full time as slow stitch club and am excited to see the world make more space for mending and repair. Outside of that, I love so many other crafts and want to spend more of 2024 knitting after a long hiatus. And a random fun fact, I learnt how to solve a Rubik’s cube last year and that’s my only party trick!”
Besides Skye’s focused, precise and yet playful mending style, I also really admire her commitment to building community and making it easy for anyone with the smallest spark of interest to jump right in to mending. On the topic, Skye says: “all of the people that have asked me questions along the way have been so important. They have helped me to make what I do accessible for everyone and I learn from them every day how to better share these skills.”

“Mended is better than perfect. I recently turned this into a sticker and feel like a parrot the amount of times I repeat it at workshops, but it’s so true and important to know. If you can take something that’s been lingering at the bottom of your wardrobe for months and get it back into rotation, the wonky stitches don’t matter, you’ve done something amazing!” - Skye Pennant.